Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Random Thoughts for a Wednesday Afternoon

  • If you haven’t done so already, get your butts over to Draft Day Suit… pronto. As I’ve said before, ‘it’s a moral imperative.’
  • Mmmmmmm... Scotch whiskey.
  • This is just sad and pathetic: two of three Americans age 18-24 cannot find Iraq on the map. Close to a third couldn’t locate the state of Louisiana, and “fewer than three in 10 think it important to know the locations of countries in the news.” Nice...
  • AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! Ben Affleck… as Captain Kirk?? Shoot me now...
  • Nobody ever asks me questions... sniff, sniff...
  • commissioned a report that concluded (obviously to most) a full-time, stay-at-home mom “would earn $134,121 a year if paid for all her work.” A mother who also works outside the home would earn an extra $85,876. Great! Now I can quit my job and realize my dream of blogging all day long...
  • President Bush wants the military to develop a laser weapon. No word if he also wants “Sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads..."
  • Oh come on you have got to be kidding me... a TV show where Mr. T will traipse (does Mr. T. traipse?) across the country dispensing advice?? What’s next? Rosie O’Donnell on “The View”? Huh? What’s that??? Really?? Eewwwwww...
  • Here are some of the recent search phrases that have brought people to my little corner of the blogosphere: “”, “how tunes six hundred twenty five thousand lyrics”, “mockingbirds do nothing but to sing for us”, “NCTNA Bracket”, “twins naps”, “"west wing"”, “"mardi gras movies"”, “meaning of overkill by Colin Hay”, “mae west naked” (this one puzzles and disturbs me)
  • Though I have to admit, as Pete Schrager’s said in a Fox column; “Telling a guy that Rosie O'Donnell is joining the cast of “The View” is pretty much the same as telling a lizard that Tony Snow is the President's new press secretary. It makes absolutely no difference in either species' world.” "Ouch, that's gotta hoit"
  • Today’s gratuitous (and superfluous) attempt for the ‘craziest word or phrase used in a blatant attempt to trick people into visiting my site when they type it into Google’is: ‘steroids’
  • Gratuitous blog plug of the week is (and you’ve had to have seen this coming): Draft Day Suit
  • As celebration of news that Johnny Cash’s final album, American V: A Hundred Highways will be released July 4th