Thursday, January 12, 2006

National De-Lurking Week

It’s not a national holiday (yet), but it is an important holiday. My good blogging buddies ChildsPlay X 2, MetroDad, Mr. Big Dubya, Becky, and the crew over at DadCentric (among others) have posted about this on their respective blogs, so I thought I should follow suit.

This was started by Sheryl (or Cheryl – I have seen her name spelled both ways on a few different sites this week - but her site has it with an ‘s’, so I’m gonna have to go with that one as I would think she knows how to spell her own name) as a way to entice (or lure, or attract, or tempt, or inveigle or draw) people who are loyal visitors and readers, intermittent visitors, newbies, trolls, antagonists, really, everyone to come out from behind the fence and leave a comment on the blogs that they visit.

I’ve noticed over the last few weeks that my traffic has steadily been increasing… I attribute that to a couple of factors; being linked from other blogs (thanks everyone for the linkage) and, I believe, word of mouth. While my numbers may not match those of a few of the other blogs you read, my numbers are going up and I want to give all of you a great, big THANK YOU.

Now back to the task at hand. National De-Lurking Week.

As I stated above, National De-Lurking Week was started by Sheryl and is meant as a time for all of you that read our blogs but don’t comment to take the bull by the horns and leave us a comment. Tell me (and the other readers) a little about yourself, or where you hail from, or why you’re reading my blog, or what you think of the post specifically or the blog in general. It doesn’t matter, just comment. If you want to leave a comment on the state of affairs in The Federated States of Micronesia, then do it. If you would prefer to leave a comment about the current weather in Belize, then do it… it’s your choice. You don't need to have a reason to leave a comment, just leave a comment.

In fact, just for leaving a comment, (and this I am lifting directly from Matthew over at Childs Play… so thanks Matthew!) you can advertise on your blog (if you have one… who am I kidding, everyone has a blog) that you celebrated National De-Lurking Week here at Kemp’s Blog.

Or take my button... and post it to your blog.

Thanks... and enjoy.


Anonymous said...

What nobody has posted a comment on your site yet. Well I am the mother of a 20 month old and good friends with Sarah and the Goon Squad (they were born 4 days apart)and thought I would leave you a comment since no one else has yet!

Anonymous said...

Here's to de-lurking!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Hooray delurking!

Anonymous said...

What's up, Kemp! De-lurk! De-lurk!

mr. big dubya said...

Oh - ok - since you mention (and link) me, I figured I might as well not leave you hanging.

Amy said...

I've visited many, many times (found you through Child's Play x 2), but never commented. Love reading about your twins.

Becky said...

I'm not really a lurker anymore, but ... just following the crowd.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard of de-lurker week until just now, reading it on your blog. I just got here (from a random search on some blog directory site for satire/humor blogs) so I haven't been a lurker here, but I'm commenting anyway.

I've got a 16-month old, and he's a handful, but twins...yeehaw! Best of luck to you!

Pete said...

Just dropping in to de-lurk

Scott said...

I never lurk... I may leer sometimes, but never lurk.

Reading this and some of the other recent posts is going to force me to get off my butt and work on my posts instead of just focusing on our highly acclaimed policital site

Thank you my friend.