Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The results are in...

It’s unanimous… and by unanimous I mean the wife liked this choice most.

Hundreds of you sent emails (actually, it was closer to 1 than 100, but who’s counting?) to help me select the new Kemp’s Blog Official Nickname for Kemp’s Wife.

Wait a minute, that’s not right; I stole that from “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.”

Actually, her new nickname will be Honey Mustard, or HM for short. (She declined the other abbreviated nickname I derived from that: HoMu… though I have no idea why)

She loved the name… even more important was the fact that The Peanut Butter & The Jelly loved the name. They are now telling it to anyone who will listen… even if you aren’t listening, they’ll still tell you. That’s just their way.

She says the decision was neck and neck between Honey Mustard and the names that Croutonboy suggested last week in his comment: “You could also call her Smuckers or Skippy, since both produce Peanut Butter and Jelly. Or she a choosy mother?”

Ultimately though, she went with Honey Mustard.

So let it be known and spread across the blogosphere, hence forth, my wifeth shall be knoweth by the moniker(eth) of Honey Mustard.

Spread the word…


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I will alert the media.

Kemp said...

Ow, that hurt.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Really, I love the name.

It was just so easy.

Anonymous said...

Cold, Sarah. But way funny.

Congrats, I mean HoMu! Looking forward to hearing about your future escapades! BTW, we croutons love your dressing...

Kemp said...

We croutons love your dressing...

That can be taken in so many different ways C-Boy.

Becky said...

Welcome Honey Mustard! So will there be a coming out party? Can I bring my favorite condiment?

Scott said...

Is she regular or spicy hot?

Kemp said...

I refuse to answer that on grounds that it may incriminat me later when she reads this...

Oh what the hell... spicy

Scott said...

What kind of friend would I be if I didn't stir up a little trouble now and then.