Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What, me worry? Yes.

For the last few months I’ve been in a state of confusion.

Not in the comedic sense… but not in the overly dramatic sense either. Kind of a middle ground…

The writing has dried up… the ideas have vanished… and time has evaporated…

My life is, for the most part, good… I have a steady job, I have my health (save for this damn right foot that hurts beyond belief), I have a wife and daughters who love me, I have the means to build a house, I have the time to do things I enjoy… and yet… something’s missing.

And I have no idea what.

I just haven’t been in, the mood, to mingle lately… in real life or in the blog life. I read posts by my blogmigos, yet I don’t comment because I can’t think of anything to say or simply don’t want to…

I just don’t know…


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

It is okay to take a break.