Thursday, March 23, 2006

An open call for assistance

Sarah asked this for her spouse a few weeks ago, though I am not sure if anything was decided.

My wife, while waiting for her class to start at Lewis University last night, checked out my blogs.

When she got home, she asked why I only refer to her as ‘the wife’ or ‘my wife’ on this blog.

I told her it was because I couldn’t think of a good nickname (you can sense what’s coming, can’t you?)

I had one that I stole from my brother, but my wife doesn’t like it; ‘the war department’

Since she does so much around the house and, essentially, keeps the damn thing running like a Swiss chee--, watch, I suggested; ‘Condi’, as in Condoleezza Rice… she really didn’t go for that.

So I ask all of you… my dear, intelligent readers, ‘what should my wife’s nickname be in blogland?’

Lines are now open… the 13th caller wins tickets to Supertramp.

Note: No one will win tickets to Supertramp.


Becky said...

So you've got The Peanut Butter and The Jelly ... how about The BLT? Well, that's a whole sandwich. Is she a Mayo or a Mustard kind of gal? Or how about Horseradish? Or Nutella?

Kemp said...

She hates mayo. Loves honey mustard. I was calling her white bread since we had The PB & The J... but somehow that just doesn't sound right.


Scott said...


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Honey Mustard is cute and funny.

I went back to calling Gabe Gabe because 1) He didn't think "Dancer" was funny and 2) "He who walks in Shadows" just makes ME sound stupid.

Kemp said...

Honey Mustard... I like it. But first we have to see how Honey Mustard likes it...

John said...

Dude!!! How can you not know what nutella is? Have you no appreciation for chocolate?!? Nutella is a fantabulous mixture of hazelnut butter and chocolate cream. It's heaven in a little plastic jar. Check it out: Nutella

Becky said...

I like Honey Mustard too.

I thought Gabe was the umlauteer. Although that sounds like he needs to wear a funny hat with ears.

I also thought he really, really liked The Hubster.

Kemp said...

I'm sorry John... I'll try to do better.

Though it does sound tasty... did I just say the word 'tasty'

Scott said...

Can I have the Supertramp tickets?

Kemp said...

Uh... sure. They're in the mail.

Anonymous said...

Fun! I did this to get Oodgie's name, with mixed results (

I've got to be honest...I like Honey Mustard. It goes with the food theme. You could also call her Smuckers or Skippy, since both produce Peanut Butter and Jelly. Or she a choosy mother?

Or maybe Wonder Bread? Nah...

I'll keep thinking about it...

Kemp said...

"You could also call her Smuckers or Skippy, since both produce Peanut Butter and Jelly. Or she a choosy mother?"

Ya know what Crouton, I was about to post something about how she has annointed Honey Mustard as her official nickname, but these gave me pause and I'll have to take these to her. To be continued...

Kemp said...

Yes! I was the 13th commenter, so that means I get the SuperTramp tickets...


Gidge Uriza said...

I can't believe Gabe didn't like Dancer. Didn't he know I meant it with love?
It seems that Azriel is still out there on the table if anyone needs a nickname.