Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It’s getting worse...

My blogstipation is turning into a severe lack of posting-desire.

Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. There is just something in the air lately...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think it's something going around.

We should all get vaccinated to prevent this next year. Sigh.

I'm totally going to try the Blog Everyday Of November thing that Fussy has going on. Plus it may raise our spirits for de-lurkers to come out too.

Here's hopin'.

Anonymous said...

maybe you should try channelling maggie?

and, for what it's worth, i love reading what you write -- whatever you write. because you do so with cunning and guile and you're smart and entertaining. sorry you're in the gulch. we're all waiting here on the other side.

Anonymous said...

Seriously must be something in the air. I barely post on my blog lately, and my co-blogger hasn't been so great about it either. Why is it SO HARD to write ANYTHING?!

Scott said...

rI feel for ya buddy. I just did a spontaneous post on our poli-blog and haven't posted on my own personal one in a while. I agree with QoS and Sarapmcc that there must be something in the air.

Hopefully everyone breaks out of it soon.

Anonymous said...

Turn it into a Mets blog!

Boo ya!

Kara said...

stop looking at your stats. I had the blog up for 6 months before i installed stat counter and wrote stuff all the time. Whe I got comments, I was happy, when I didn't no big deal... nobody reads my stuff anyway. THEN I stated seeing my stats. I still have major performance anxiety and when a couple hundred people read my post and I get 2 comments? I feel like a weenie. So I have pretty much stopped reading my stats (except recently, because I've been tracking the activities fo my death- threat mailing troll). I do look at my keyeord searches from time to time just for a laugh. My #1 key word activity of all time: "I saw my first penis"
no kidding.

Anonymous said...

I say Vacation is the cure! That always helps. Either that or a suppository. Good luck.