Tonight is my fantasy football draft with a plethora of my blogmigos from around the Blogospehere… we call our league; The Blogpound (sense a theme here?)
Below, in our league’s draft order, are the poor souls whose money I will be collecting after the season… (yes, I stole the links from Sarah):
Child’s Play x2
LA Daddy
ME (AKA; 2007 Blogpound Champion)
Marginally Clever
Queen of Spain
More Diapers
Sarah & the Goon Squad
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Here comes the smackdown
Posted by Kemp at Wednesday, August 29, 2007 3 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Is it a bad sign...
...when you find yourself singing the songs from "High School Musical 2" and your kids are nowhere around???Guilty-feeling Inquiring minds want to know...
Posted by Kemp at Tuesday, August 28, 2007 3 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
Um, ok...
We took The Peanut Butter & The Jelly out for dinner last night and as we’re sitting down at the table The J says; ‘I need a beer.’
She meant root beer, but still...
Posted by Kemp at Friday, August 24, 2007 3 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
'Blogfather'ing Alert!
Hey, I've got a post up at The Blogfathers today, why don't you go check it out? It's a moral imperative...
Posted by Kemp at Tuesday, August 21, 2007 0 comments
Labels: The Blogfathers
Friday, August 17, 2007
Woman Has Rare Identical Quadruplets
Here my wife and I were, thinking that having two that are identical was (is) hard and this brave woman goes and has four babies that are identical.She wins.
Posted by Kemp at Friday, August 17, 2007 4 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I have a temper… always have. I could easily chalk it up to my Spanish heritage and the infamous Spanish-temper… but that’s a cop-out.
I have never struck anyone in anger… not my wife or kids, nor my friends and family. My temper is not like that, it manifests itself in a much more childish manner…
A blow-up.
My temper is the precise reason I took up Tai Chi and meditation in college… because my temper had gotten the better of me one too many times and I needed to, for lack of a better term, channel it.
And it worked… granted, I still get upset (who doesn’t)… but I don’t have the blow-ups that I used to.
Until yesterday.
I had an adjunct faculty meeting last night and when I got home I noticed right away that Honey Mustard was upset… no details here, just that she was upset and it involved a couple of my in-laws.
I ended up calling the in-laws myself and had an abrupt conversation that ended in me throwing the cord-less phone across the room and slamming the door.
No one witnessed this, The PB & The J who were playing downstairs and HoMu was putting the dog out… it was just me being incredibly stupid and childish. And now I feel ashamed, upset disappointed that I lost my cool and blew up and thought that ‘airing it out’ on the blog would help.
It’s not…
Posted by Kemp at Wednesday, August 15, 2007 3 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
A Sign of Things to Come
“The female of the species is more deadly than the male.” - Rudyard Kipling
There were approximately 7300 people at the concert, with the breakdown something like this:
- Girls anywhere from ages 3-17; 6899
- Boys anywhere from ages 3-17; 100
- Mothers/grandmothers/etc; 291
- Fathers/grandfathers/etc; 10
Ok, there were probably more than 10 men there, but not a whole-lot more… I was definitely outnumbered and realize I could have been trampled and overpowered at any given moment, but that is part of being a good father. And when The PB & The J told me that I was the best Daddy in the world for taking them to the concert... well, my heart was bursting with pride and joy.
When the first act, Jordan Pruitt, came out the audience response was a succinct; meh.
When Drake Bell (of Nickelodeon’s Drake & Josh) came out… the audience roared with approval.
When Corbin came out, all I heard was the squealing of thousands of girls… something along the lines of "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
That was immediately followed by a semi-constant ringing in my ears that went away… well, it really hasn’t yet…
The PB & The J enjoyed themselves immensely… and were dancing and singing with all the other girls in attendance.
The PB & The J are five… and we saw plenty of other girls around the same age… with their High School Musical or “I heart Corbin” t-shirts on… teeny-bopping around, screaming, and generally acting like a concert-goer.
But seeing all of this – seeing the throngs of girls in a tizzy ready to rip the eyes out of any other girl that made eyes at Corbin – made me realize one thing;
I am oh-so-screwed…
It’s gonna be me… HoMu… and The PB & The J… no other males in the house…
Me… and three females…
Pray for me…
In all seriousness though; Bell wasn’t bad. His musical influences are The Beatles, and you can definitely hear it in his music and also in his fashion with his publicty photo on the state fair’s website looking very early-Beatlesesque;
As far as Corbin goes, he’s been working out since “High School Musical.” Midway through his show he removed his shirt to reveal a tank top with a glittery peace sign, and his muscles were a’bulging with more than a few of the mother’s oooing and aahing… never mind the fact that he’s only 20…
And one other question; when the HELL did concert t-shirts get so ridiculously expensive? $30, are you kidding me?
Posted by Kemp at Monday, August 13, 2007 3 comments
Labels: Being a Daddy, Family, HoMu, Music, Parents, The J, The PB
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Best Greeting Card Ever
Friday was Honey Mustard's birthday, and yesterday I threw a 35th b-day bash for her (more on that later).
The card my brother gave her is one of the most clever cards I've ever seen... even though it took a potshot at me.
[front] "Sister-in-law; I thought about getting you one of those gag gifts for your birthday...Ouch
[inside]: ...but you already have my brother."
Posted by Kemp at Sunday, August 05, 2007 2 comments