Friday, March 09, 2007

Why, oh why?

Proof our country is drowning in a sea of pop culture schlock...

You probably all know that the cavemen from the Geico TV ads are getting their own TV show… that’s scary enough, but now word is coming out that the “Burger King” from the Burger King commercials will be making a theatrical feature (read: a movie) to give background for the commercials...


Stop the world, I want to get off...


Anonymous said...

If you pay money to see either of these movies you should automatically be psychologically evaluated.

Challenge 20/20 teams said...

WTF? I gotta admit, I kind of like the Caveman... for 30 SECONDS AT A TIME.

The King? Just plain scary. Me no likey.

Anonymous said...

I always find out the BEST stuff from you!

I'm with Sarah: you pay money to see those, you get a free lobotomy.

Kemp said...

Yes you should Sarah. And Kara, I liked the caveman concept the first 872 times I saw it, after that... meh.

And thanks Samantha Jo, handing out useless information is my speciality...